Affective Awareness

It takes some doing to start off with, but as success after success starts to multiply exponentially, it becomes automatic to have this question running as an on-going thing (as a 🙊non-verbal attitude towards life; a 🔇wordless approach each moment again) because it delivers the goods right here and now … not off into some indeterminate future

[..] the words ‘🙊non-verbal attitude’, and ‘🔇wordless approach’, are indicative of that awareness of those instinctual impulses/ affective feelings – and thus self-centred thought – being an affective awareness.

Please note: once it becomes second-nature – a 🙊non-verbal attitude to life; a 🔇wordless approach to living – an intuitive awareness, as in an affective monitoring of mood and temperament, dispenses with that initial diligence and perseverance.

See also

Links to this page
  • How am I experiencing this moment of being alive?

    [Richard]: ‘(…) It is a question, not a phrase to be memorised and repeated slogan-like (or as if chanting a mantra for instance), and it soon becomes a non-verbal attitude to life ... a wordless approach each moment again whereupon one cannot be anything else but (affectively) aware of one’s every instinctual impulse/affective feeling, and thus self-centred thought, as it is happening.

  • Harmlessness

    Through the rigorous and persistent process of actualism, I slowly learnt to extend my attention beyond what I thought and felt, i.e. my ideals and passions, so as to become aware of the tangible effects that my thoughts, feelings and actions had on the people around me. I discovered more and more that feeling myself to be harmless and actually being harmless were two completely different things. This process of distinguishing between feeling and actuality is the key to actually becoming happy and harmless compared to merely feeling happy and harmless.

  • Diminishment

    Hence being (affectively) aware, each moment again, of more and more subtle variations in the quality of one’s moment-to-moment enjoyment and appreciation of being alive/ of being here so as to earlier and earlier pre-empt any potential reversion to type.

  • Awareness-Cum-Attentiveness; Aware-Cum-Attentive

    This hyphenated neologism – a term which includes being affectively aware in combination with, and as felt necessary thereby, being cognitively attentive (the Latin cum=with, together with, or along with, as in ‘a garage-cum-workshop’, for instance) – was coined in order to more readily reference an adroit technique which involves a keenly discriminative affective monitoring of the quality of mood plus the cognitive rectification of same, and as instigated responsively‌ therefrom, so as to effect beneficial modification of one’s day-by-day temperament which, in the longer-term, brings about a benefactive transformation of disposition and/or character as well. Any necessity to be (cognitively) attentive only takes place on those occasions when/ where an otherwise ongoing (affective) enjoyment and appreciation diminishes – which attentiveness is initiated by that diminution in the quality of (affectively) enjoying and appreciating being alive/ being here, each moment again, come-what-may – and occurs less and less once one gets the knack of thus (affectively) monitoring one’s moment-to-moment mood and temperament via the increasingly subtle variations in that quality.

  • Actualism Method
    An affective awareness is the key to maximising felicity and innocuity over all alternate feelings.
    Persistent initialisation segues into a wordless approach, a non-verbal attitude towards life.
    The habituation of actualistic awareness and attentiveness requires a persistent initialisation.