Identity Building

Editor’s note: I identified a hitherto-unconscious pattern of human affective behaviour that involves some sort of ‘building up of’ one’s identity, via hopes, dreams and schemes. The pattern, which I call “identity building”, becomes particularly obvious when the structure being tacitly propped up over a lifetime suddenly comes crumbling down upon life’s various set backs, which misfortune to an actualist is in fact a blessing in disguise to proceed to, as Peter says, “actively demolish and break [it] down” via, instead, allowing oneself to Being the doing of what is happening.

The search for meaning amidst the debris of the much-vaunted human hopes and dreams and schemes has come to its timely end. With the end of both ‘I’ and ‘me’, the distance or separation between both ‘I’ and ‘me’ and these sense organs – and thus the external world – disappears. To be living as the senses is to live a clear awareness in operation … which is known as Apperception, a pure consciousness experience of the world as-it-is. —A Précis Of Actual Freedom

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  • Security

    To be an entity is to be forever locked-out of eternal time. Complete security lies inside eternal time. ‘I’ will never look into eternal time; for ‘me’ eternal time is an enemy to be avoided at all costs. ‘I’ condemn ‘myself’ to the endless creation of grandiose schemes to save my soul; ‘I’ concoct all kinds of fantasies about Other-Worldly Dimensions. ‘I’ have to believe in multitudinous Heavenly Kingdoms wherein ‘I’ can reside as an Immaculate Spirit for all of Eternity. ‘I’ am driven to spin dreams and illusions because ‘I’ refuse to see what lies here on earth … right under ‘my’ nose, as it were. ‘I’ can never live inside eternal time … whereas I as this flesh and blood body can only be here now. Inside this body there is no ‘being’ … nothing psychological or psychic left for ‘I’ am extinct. Time is a blessing, not a curse. I can never be out of time, nor anywhere but here, for I have actualised my destiny … here on earth and now in time.

  • Identity