In this article, I’ll describe how to get a full-stack Haskell application up and running. In particular, the app will render user-entered Markdown text in real-time (the final version is hosted at Notably, our app will use Haskell even on the frontend. This is made possible by the GHCJS compiler, that compiles Haskell code to JavaScript.
We will not work directly with GHCJS, however, and instead will use the Reflex-FRP library, through the excellent Obelisk full-stack framework.
Create an Obelisk project
First and foremost, make sure you have Obelisk installed, and then follow along.
Obelisk includes a command called ob
that can be used to initialize a project. We will also use git to keep track of changes:
mkdir MarkdownPreview
cd ./MarkdownPreview
# Create an Obelisk project
ob init
# Add to git
git init
git add .
git commit -m "first commit"
This gives us a project layout with three Haskell packages: backend
, common
and frontend
. As the names indicate, frontend
contains the Haskell code that ultimate gets compiled to JavaScript. The common
package however contains code that is shared between the backend and the frontend. This is extremely useful for type sharing, which is impossible with something like Elm or PureScript (without explicit conversion).
You will notice that Obelisk uses Nix to build your project. The command ob run
(described below) will abstract over the Nix stuff, including any GHCi handling, so you do not have to deal directly with Nix except for overriding dependencies.
Running hello world
Now, it is time to run our app.
ob run
This command may take a while to finish the very first time it is run, as it would need to download packages from the Nix caches. At the end you would expect to see: Frontend running on http://localhost:8000/
. Your obelisk app will be accessible at that URL.
Interlude: ob run
reloads your code
So what does this ob run
command do? Think of it as stack run
or cabal run
- but it also recompiles changed sources and reloads application. ob run
uses ghcid underneath, in combination with custom ghci
config to specify the modules to reload.
There is also ob repl
which gives you a GHCi repl for your project. As well as ob hoogle
providing a local Hoogle server for project and its dependencies.
Add commonmark-hs
Our application will use the Pure Haskell Markdown parser commonmark-hs, which is written by the author of Pandoc, who intends to migrate Pandoc over to it eventually.
We will also use the latest version from Git, instead of Hackage. Some Nix-fu is helpful at this stage. But the main thing you need to know, in order to add a custom Haskell dependency, is the following general workflow:
- Clone the git repo under a subdirectory
“Pack” it using
ob thunk
Load it in
As briefly as possible, you would do this for commonmark-hs as follows:
# Get the source
git clone dep/commonmark-hs
# Pack it
ob thunk pack dep/commonmark-hs
Next, edit your default.nix
as arguments to theproject
if they don’t already exist -
Use the packed thunk by calling
The git rep contains multiple Haskell packages; use
Here’s how your default.nix
should look:
project ./. ({ pkgs, hackGet, ... }: {
packages = let
commonmarkSrc = hackGet ./dep/commonmark-hs;
in {
commonmark = commonmarkSrc + "/commonmark";
commonmark-extensions = commonmarkSrc + "/commonmark-extensions";
If you run ob run
at this point, it may complain about further missing dependencies. Let’s override each of them:
git clone dep/emojis
ob thunk pack dep/emojis
Go back to default.nix
, and add this new dependency to the packages
emojis = hackGet ./dep/emojis;
As we will be using commonmark directly in the frontend, go ahead and add these to frontend.cabal
(under the library stanza):
-- frontend/frontend.cabal
, commonmark
, commonmark-extensions
Restart ob run
, which should build the the new dependency before starting our app.
Interlude: What is an Obelisk thunk?
If you are familiar with Haskell overrides in Nix, then think of the obelisk thunk mechanism as an abstraction on top. A “packed” thunk is essentially similar to Nix’s fetchGit
in that you specify the exact source revision of the dependency to use.
But a thunk can also be “unpacked”, using ob thunk unpack
, which – in addition to unpacking it as a git clone – has the effect of adding it to ob run
and ob repl
sessions. For example, you could unpack the above commonmark thunk using ob thunk unpack dep/commonmark-hs
and restart ob run
. Now, when you hack on ./dep/commonmark-hs
and change its Haskell sources, ob run
will automatically reload the app using the modified commonmark-hs. See the Obelisk ChangeLog for details.
Let’s add a textbox
If you are unfamiliar with Reflex, checkout the official guide. All our frontend code is defined in the frontend/src/Frontend.hs
file. With ob run
running by side, open that module and try changing a few things, like the title - and the app should update. Let’s add a textbox element where the user would write their Markdown text.
Somewhere in _frontend_body
, add the following:
markdownText :: Dynamic t T.Text <-
fmap value $ textAreaElement $
& initialAttributes .~ ("style" =: "width:50%;height:15em;")
is a reflex Dynamic that holds the user-entered text.
Parse Markdown
Now it is time to actually use the commonmark library. Let’s import it:
import qualified Commonmark as CM
renderMarkdown :: T.Text -> Either CM.ParseError (CM.Html ())
renderMarkdown =
CM.commonmark "markdown"
The renderMarkdown
function will parse our Markdown and return the HTML representation of it. Calling show
on the Right value gets us the raw HTML.
Render to HTML
Finally let’s plug everything together. We want to parse and render the resulting HTML every time the user changes the textbox. Reflex’s Dynamic automatically updates, so let’s use that.
result <- eitherDyn $ fmap renderMarkdown markdownText
dyn_ $ ffor result $ \case
Left err ->
dyn_ $ ffor err $ \_ -> text "Parse error"
Right htmlVal ->
prerender_ blank $ void $ elDynHtml' "div" $ T.pack . show <$> htmlVal
That’s all it takes! Now as you type the Markdown text, its live preview will automatically update next to the textbox.
You can even hack on commonmark-hs (see the Obelisk thunk interlude above), and have ob run
automatically reload when the library sources change. This is extremely handy if you want to play with the internals of the Markdown parser and see its live result in the browser.
Further resources
Source code for this app on Github:
Fully built version of it running at: