“Moderation Team Accountability Issues” thread

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Some time during 2023 since the blog post was published, a number of comments in the “Moderation Team Accountability Issues” thread 1 got censored 2 by the moderators. Fortunately, someone who had archived the original uncensored 2 version has provided it to me informing me of the recent censorship; it can be accessed here.

Among the 13 deleted comments is one by the self-professed manipulator 3 , schmuck 4 and reclusive 5 Sven Slootweg (joepie91) containing the bizzare accusation that “srid’s post is a bigoted screed that is exactly the sort of thing written by people who - quite literally - intend to murder us marginalized folks, or wish for others to do so.” as well as a response from Jonathan Ringer (jonringer) calling it out, viz.:

[Jon Ringer]: In the reverse, “the average contributor doesn’t feel safe knowing that they can be silenced, suspended, or banned for not exemplifying a particular world view point”.

It’s one thing if srid was inciting violence; but as far I can tell (which hasn’t been too much research), he is proclaiming dissatisfaction with “wokeism” (which includes many viewpoints). Extrapolating this to be “the sort of thing written by people who - quite literally - intend to murder us” seems disingenuous.

On a related note, having srid change aspects of this social media and blog site to prevent a ban action infers that contributing to NixOS may also include someone looking through your internet presence to find anything they may disagree with.

Whatever happen to, “I don’t agree with srid, but thankful for his contributions”. This kind of radicalization and stereotyping of individuals isn’t healthy for either side; if anything, it just creates more animosity. If this animosity continues, I feel like the Nix community will fragment, and that will be a huge paradigm shift as efforts to improve nix will be secondary to uphold a hegemony.

For the GitHub issue that preceded this, see https://github.com/NixOS/moderation/issues/14
censor (Oxford Dictionary): officially examine (writing, artistic work, etc.) and suppress or remove any parts that are considered obscene, politically unacceptable, or a threat to security

As a matter of related interest, Sven Slootweg (joepie91) is a self-professed manipulator. From https://archive.is/1xMuv

[joepie]: In case it hasn’t become obvious to you yet, I am a social engineer. Full-time. 24/7. I use manipulation and other psychological tactics in nearly every conversation I have. I will try to change the way you think, and try to solve problems you might not even realize you had.


As admitted on May 17, 2024:

[joepie91]: a significant number of people, me included, cannot actually do video calls, and find text-based messaging to be significantly more accessible. We do not derive comfort or safety from video calls, it just makes an environment inaccessible to us.

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